"Traffic in Salzburg" provides information about the current traffic situation in Salzburg.
" Verkehr in Salzburg " provides information about the current traffic situation and traffic-related delays in Salzburg. By using the app, your vehicle also becomes a transmitter! The more people use this app, the more meaningful and reliable the traffic situation becomes. As an app user, you not only benefit from the current traffic situation, but above all in the long term from measures for improved traffic control in the city and state of Salzburg. Please help!
Advantages of this app over comparable apps:
- Most accurate and up-to-date traffic information for Salzburg
- Current delays on the road network
- Voice announcements of delays
- Optimization of traffic control in the city of Salzburg
- Completely anonymous data collection without tracking people or smartphones
- Use of the data exclusively for the stated purposes, no commercial exploitation
The traffic situation is displayed on a three-stage scale: Green means free travel, yellow means slight delays and red means longer delays. Delays are also displayed as messages with time information. The traffic situation shown is calculated data. Since the project is still in the development and testing phase, it may happen that the traffic situation displayed has gaps or does not always correspond to the real traffic situation.
Position data is collected every second and transmitted to the server every 30 seconds. The traffic situation displayed is calculated from the data transmitted by smartphones and other vehicles with GPS transmitters and is updated every minute. The traffic situation is only displayed for those road sections for which current data from the last 30 minutes is available.
The “ Verkehr in Salzburg ” app is made available to you free of charge by the Salzburg Research research company as part of the “FCD Model Region Salzburg” project. The app is limited to the state of Salzburg and motorized road traffic. A demo mode can be activated outside Salzburg. The “FCD Model Region Salzburg” project is financed by the state of Salzburg and the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund.
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